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I'm a wife to an amazing man, mom to a tuxedo cat and I'm rapidly approaching 30. Now afternoon naps are replacing late nights out, brunches are replacing early morning breakfasts, and yoga pants are replacing tight jeans. This is my niche, a place to document our memories.

March Love List

I've been in a grumpy mood lately, and when I get down and start complaining, Justin automatically has me look back and see how much progress I've made, how far we've come, and how much more comfortable our life is now.  So, I thought I'd do a little of the same thing here, reminding myself that March was a great month!
April holds lost of amazing things in store for us, including: dying Easter eggs, creating inside jokes with my family, hot tubing, my birthday and a trip down to the States.  I'm ready for you!


  1. Hope some amazing things are on the horizon for you, heck there is always my birthday on the 5th to celebrate....that's a plus...the day a awesome friend was

  2. I hope you are linking up with us for click chicks tomorrow!
