My photo
I'm a wife to an amazing man, mom to a tuxedo cat and I'm rapidly approaching 30. Now afternoon naps are replacing late nights out, brunches are replacing early morning breakfasts, and yoga pants are replacing tight jeans. This is my niche, a place to document our memories.

At Days End

I'll be honest, I again thought I had another day to sneak in a photo - but it was already Wednesday at bedtime when I thought that!  I need to get better at this, it's time to crack down!  This weeks Click Chick Photo Challenge, sunset, left me in a bind; it seems sunsets just aren't something I capture often with my camera.  I had to go back to a memory card from 2011 to find one, and at that it's not the best.  As today comes to a close, I look back and wonder what happened to my day!?

1 comment:

  1. We've been having wicked weather so I had to capture mine on the go after zumba.

    I love your pic though. I'm a cloud groupie :)
