My photo
I'm a wife to an amazing man, mom to a tuxedo cat and I'm rapidly approaching 30. Now afternoon naps are replacing late nights out, brunches are replacing early morning breakfasts, and yoga pants are replacing tight jeans. This is my niche, a place to document our memories.

Peaceful Moments

water, river, Alberta, morning, Canadian geese, geese, sunrise, southern Alberta

Did you know that it doesn't matter if you haul your big-girl camera with your everywhere, with the intent to take a weekly photo if you don't have a memory card in that camera?!  So, up I got this morning, an hour before I would have otherwise, in order to make sure I had my picture today. 
In doing so, I had a quiet moment in the park by our house.  I was completely alone except for about ten deer, and more than fifty Canadian geese; I'm so happy the geese stayed in the river, and didn't fly away as I approached.  I like those two together in the center, they mate for life you know!  This week's Click Chick Photo Challenge was water, and I'm happy to have captured actual water, and not just ice as I was expecting.


  1. Getting up early to take a photo for the challenge? bad ass. Totally worth it too because your picture is absolutely amazing. What a special way to start the day, really aware of the calmness of nature and surrounded by peace and quiet. I'm jealous!

  2. way to go for getting up early!! I raced home last night to get my pics before dark :) I like this a lot! loving the colors.
