My photo
I'm a wife to an amazing man, mom to a tuxedo cat and I'm rapidly approaching 30. Now afternoon naps are replacing late nights out, brunches are replacing early morning breakfasts, and yoga pants are replacing tight jeans. This is my niche, a place to document our memories.

Escape From Winter

photo challenge, shadows, trees, Redwood National Park, redwoods, California, Paul Bunyan, Trees Of Mysteries, sunshine, escaping winter

I love how I can have the best of intentions, and the weather throws a wrench into my plans.  It's been cold, snowy and overcast for most of this past week.  If I was Punxsutawney Phil, I would have been pridiciting an early spring, but that seems hard to believe at the moment!  Basically, it's a little hard to see my shadow, or any shadow for that matter, when the sun isn't shining!
Enter the beautiful Redwood National Park that Justin and I visited on our honeymoon in 2010.  I've been thinking, and remembering them a lot recently, so I went in search of a photo with shadows to link up with the Click Chicks Photo Challenge this week.  The red wood trees are magical, and I wish I was able to get more photos of them while we were there, especially while visiting Paul Bunyan at The Tress Of Mystery.  Yea, they were mysterious alright, and my almost new camera batteries were dead shortly after stepping foot into the forest.  Obviously there's some sort of mystic power there, allowing the trees to grow like they do, and I believe that same power drained my batteries.  Something to ponder anyways.